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Post Gastrectomy Diet (Antidumping Diet)

high protein, high fat, low carbohydrate

This diet is to be used by patients to prevent/control dumping syndrome, which occurs in some patients after a total or partial gastrectomy. Dumping syndrome is characterized y the rapid movement of foods through the GI tract with resulting abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, cramping, or diarrhea usually 30 min – 1 hour after eating. Other symptoms (weakness, dizziness, palpitations, sweating, rapid heart rate) associated with a drop in blood sugar can occur 2 – 3 hours after a meal. Some patients may slowly progress back to a normal diet after a period of time if no symptoms are noted.

general guidelines

  1. Eat six small meals daily to prevent overloading the stomach.
  2. Initially avoid fluids with meals. This prevents the rapid movement to foods through the upper GI tract and allows for adequate absorption of nutrients. Then limit fluids to 4 oz during mealtimes.
  3. Drink other liquids 30 min to 1 hour before/after eating, rather than with meals.
  4. Rest or lie sown for 15 minutes after a meal to decrease severity of symptoms.
  5. Avoid concentrated sweets (sodas, candy, desserts, etc.).
  6. Avoid very hot/cold foods. Room temperature foods are recommended.

** Nutrition counseling is available with a registered dietitian in the office. For more information and to schedule an appointment, call (337) 232-6697.

beverages: limit to 4 oz with meals


Unsweetened or diluted fruit juice, milk (limit to 2c/day, sugar-free, caffeine free drinks.


Alcohol, carbonated beverages, coffee, tea, regular soft drinks or punch, any caffeine containing beverage.



Cooked (fresh, frozen canned), Raw as tolerated (Dried beans and other gas formers-broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, corn, onions, leeks, cauliflower, may need to be avoided initially.


Any with seeds, any to which sugar has been added.



Unsweetened canned, raw as tolerated.


Canned or frozen fruit in syrup, dried fruit, any with seeds.



White/whole grain breads, crackers, melba toast, biscuits, rolls, unsweetened cereals, white or sweet potatoes, rice, pasta and refined cooked cereals, (grits, cream of wheat, oatmeal).


Breads made with sugar (doughnuts, sweet rolls, pastries, coffee cake, cinnamon rolls, pancakes, waffles, muffins), breads w/nuts, seeds or dried fruit, sweetened cereals, coarse cereals, (bran).



Eggs, cheese, pork, beef, poultry, peanut butter, dried beans as tolerated, seafood/fish.


Highly seasoned, fried or smoked.



Margarine, butter, cream, bacon, avocado, salad dressings.





Sugar-free jellies, artificial sweeteners, sugar-free Jello, sugar free products.


Sugar, jelly, jam, honey, molasses, syrups, candy, cookies, puddings.



Salt, vanilla, cinnamon, mild seasonings as tolerated, soups w/allowed foods.


Black and red pepper, chili sauce, coconut, horseradish, olives, pickles, popcorn, relish, soups/heavy creams or high fat (gumbos).

sample menu plan

Breakfast: 2 eggs/1tsp. margarine, 1 slice whole grain bread

Mid Morning Snack: ¼ c cottage cheese, ¼ c fresh peaches

Lunch: 3 oz chicken breast, ½ c mashed potatoes, ½ c green beans

Mid Afternoon Snack: 1 slice whole grain bread, 2 T peanut butter, 2 T low sugar jelly

Supper: 3 oz sirloin beef patty, 1c rice/1 T gravy

Evening Snack: 2 oz American cheese, 6 8 crackers