Colon Cancer Prevention Diet
Research has shown that therapeutic supplementation with specific vitamins and minerals as well as a high fiber diet rich in phytochemicals (red, blue and purple berries, citrus, tomatoes, soy, whole grains, onions, garlic, and tea) can reduce colon polyp formation and the risk of colon cancer. The vitamins and minerals recommended in the regime should be taken in individual supplements, as multi-vitamin/mineral supplements do not contain the appropriate amounts and may have excess of other vitamins or minerals.
- Vitamin C 500 milligrams daily
- Folic Acid 400 micrograms daily
- Calcium carbonate 1200 milligrams daily in divided doses (with Vitamin D) and taken with calcium rich foods. Taken in 2 doses for better absorption.
- Vitamin D 400 international units
- Selenium 200 micrograms daily
A low fat (less than 30% of calories from fat), high fiber diet (25-35g of fiber/day) that is rich in photochemical containing foods is proven in research to reduce the risk of colon cancer. A high fiber diet should contain a minimum of 5 servings of fruits and vegetables and 3-6 servings of whole grains per day. Avoid regular consumption of charred, smoked, cured and salted meats due to their nitrate and carcinogens that’s stored in animal fat.
photochemical containing foods to include daily:
- grapes
- oranges
- papaya
- berries
- cantaloupe
- strawberries
- watermelon
- limes
- cherries
- apples
- mango
- lemon
- braccoli
- cabbage
- spinach
- onion
- celery
- lettuce
- winter squash
- watercress
- legumes
- kale
- garlic
- chives
- carrots
- peppers
- tomatoes
- brussel sprouts
- green tea
- flax seed
- whole grains
- soy beans
- barley
- brown rice
- Only foods containing phytochemicals are proven to have anti-cancer properties. Supplements are not a good source of phytochemicals because they contain just a few isolated chemicals.
- Patients with diverticular disease should continue to use caution with foods containing small seeds or nuts.
Nutritional counseling is available with a registered dietitian in the office. For more information and to schedule an appointment, contact our office at (337) 232-6697.